“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies” -Albert Einstein

What is Healy?
Healy is a revolutionary wellness tool that sends frequencies specific to your body’s energy field in order for you to heal more easily, feel good, align all parts of yourself to optimum functioning, and radiate in your highest vibration. Healy scans your energetic field and works out where you are out of balance. Then it delivers back to you the exact frequencies that you need to bring you back into harmony and balance. Healy works on ALL aspects of the human body and human experience. Physical, mental, emotional, meridians, chakras, learning, beauty, fitness, wealth, connection, relationships, productivity… the list goes on. There are millions of frequencies programmed into these devices and the usages are vast and wide. Use the frequencies sent to your body to help heal: physical pain and illness, inflammation, chronic pain and auto immune issues, hormone imbalances, organs, skin, the gut, eyes, broken or sprained bones, sleep issues, PMS, brain health, the nervous system, the endocrine system, depression, mood swings, energetic blockages, and beyond.

Imagine a world where everyone is radiating at their highest frequency! What does that world look like? Let us imagine the possibilities. It starts with BELIEVING that we have the power to heal ourselves and, in turn, our world.
I said yes to working with Healy because it beautifully aligns with my greater vision of healing for all at an accelerated rate. Putting the power to heal literally in the palm of your hands is what is needed now to fast track our whole collective into alignment and bliss. Finding & bringing awareness of tools and practices that allow the whole body to come into harmony is my great joy. The time for frequency healing is NOW. Collective quantum healing creates coherence, abundance and balance for all beings everywhere.
This short video is also a great intro to Healy.
If you really want to geek out and get super excited about Healy watch an episode (or 5) of Cheat Codes!
I’m happy to send you more info or we can chat!
About my journey to Healy:
I have been on an intentional healing journey since 2018. My search actively began when the pain in my body was no longer tolerable. Every joint in my entire body was on fire with pain. This caused my mental and emotional state to be pretty grim. The person I was and the decisions I chose in my teens and 20’s (destructive drinking, poor diet, minimal exercise, and a general aversion to life on earth) led me to a decade of dis-ease in my body. I was only fully ready to embrace a change in my late 30’s.
This quest for a pain free life first brought me to yoga. I felt good in my body because I was actually embodied! As an artist, I spent a LOT of time “out of body” and in a visionary state. Ahhhhh- now the body could share her wisdom with me and guide me to what I needed. I was listening.
This led me to yoga teacher training (which was terrifying to say yes to), healing with plant medicine ceremonies (so much truth revealed and fear shed), then setting aside drinking alcohol. This was pretty good but I still had pain. Then I went for a deep gut healing program with support from a functional medicine doctor. All of this combined brought me to a new level of healing. I would be pretty good with my pain levels most days but still would have flares of pain.
Then I learned about Healy. A bunch of divine goddess mamas who I love in the online space were blossoming before my eyes and they all had one thing in common- they were using the personal healing with frequency tool -Healy.
Something in me said – BUY THIS NOW! My body was SO EXCITED about it. So on an especially brave day in late October of 2022- with my full body supporting me- I said YES. I invested in my wellness once more and WOW how life has blossomed since then.
Physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, and financially I have expanded! My favorite is my hormones and nervous system are regulated and I am no longer a roller coaster of highs and lows. Now there is a steady flow of energetic support as my body calibrates to the remembrance of wellness in every cell of my being and beyond.
I am so thankful for this gift of Healy. A gift I gave myself because I BELIEVE that this tool is the key- the icing on top- to my healed and THRIVING life!
Change takes BRAVERY. Healy is direct access to your most divine self. If you are still here- you are curious. If you are still here – you are a pioneer of the new paradigm and you are ready to clear and clarify your energy to THRIVE so you may step into greater service for the planet and all beings everywhere.
I would LOVE to talk to you about Healy and help you decide which version is best for your needs. There are several versions and price points to consider and I am happy to help you make sense of it. I will always recommend the Professional device. However, you can start anywhere and upgrade anytime.
If you don’t already have my number- to schedule a call you can email [email protected] or DM me on instagram or FB.
If you are a FULL BODY YES like I was- then go for it! I’ll reach out to you once I see your order to check in. Find Healy’s website using my distributor link by clicking your location using the button below.
When you purchase a Healy using my personal link, you are supporting me, my family, and the work I put into the world.
Currency really wants to flow into the hands of the healers, the nurturers, the dream weavers, the community of loving humans, and beyond.
If you are loving Healy and want to shout it from the rooftops like me- join my team! I am in a community of beautiful and nourishing souls who see the bigger picture when we all come into coherence. I call the group I personally mentor “DIVINE ALIGN.”
The business model of Healy is elegant, generous, and flows with the divine. The people who are sharing this sacred technology are serving the highest good. I have met the makers of Healy, shook their hands, learned from them, and felt their truth. This company and the wellness tools they create are truly in support of all beings everywhere being happy and free. When I learned this, I was filled with appreciation that I have the pleasure to share these products with the world.
The mission is to heal and thrive in all the ways possible- including financial. Healy has a beautiful affiliate marketing partnership that truly shares the wealth with those who love it and share it. I would love to co-create with you. I thank you for your consideration!
As stated above- before you purchase, I recommend scheduling a phone call with me!
Healy makes it easy to invest in yourself! When you are in the checkout area of the Healy site, you will have the option to pay in full via credit card or create a payment plan with a debit card using Klarna, or use paypal! I used Klarna at checkout and was given the option to pay over 18 months. Klarna takes your credit score into consideration when deciding if they wish to create a loan with you and what duration and percentage of interest they will offer you.
There are also options to create a payment plan through Chase and Amex credit cards if you set it up with your personal credit card account.
You do have 14 days for a full refund if when all is said and done you decide the Healy isn’t the right fit for you.

11/11/22- It has been 9 days since I have had my Healy. When I received it, I was having a pain flare up at my neck and shoulders and I was physically fighting the flu. I ran immune system programs and pain programs for the first two days to support. Then on day 3 I began to understand the coaching app a little more and began scanning what Healy frequencies I am resonating the most with and running a program from the top of the list everyday. On day 5 I started feeling “Healy high” as I like to call it. Everything feels bubbly and euphoric. I am experiencing waves of endorphins comparable to a “runner’s high”. This sensation continues to be present. As a cannabis user, I am a friend of feeling high but this is different. It feels like I am lighter and brighter. My mood is pleasant and much more naturally positive. I interact with a wide open heart instead of reacting with resistance. I haven’t wanted to use cannabis or micro dose for 8 days. I just don’t crave it because I feel awesome. Isn’t that something? The most amazing part of my new Healy journey is my excitement for life and my energy increase. I used to roll out of bed most days not having slept well and then feeling exhausted and in need of a nap everyday about 3 pm. This past week, I have had no need for a nap. Poof- I have constant and sustained energy. I don’t feel the spikes of energy and exhaustion. I have stamina, endurance. I want to exercise and clean and finish my projects. It is WILD. So there you go. One week down in the books. I can only imagine who I will become with the aid of this tool in a month, two months, 6 months, a year! The possibilities are truly endless. I am aligning with my most delicious self.
11/19/22- In the past- like clockwork- I get PMS before my menstrual cycle. About three days before I would get irritable, defensive, want to fight or flight around my family, and have junk food cravings and need long naps. I did buy some delicious grain free vegan nacho cheese chips and ate them up with some avocado and salsa but that was the extent of my premenstrual happenings. Just over 2 weeks with the Healy- now running about 6 programs a day on myself- and VOILA- I had NONE of my regular PMS symptoms. When I started spotting last night, I was kind of mind blown. This device is really working to bring my body/mind/spirit into harmony! I am overjoyed with the results I have experienced. And I just keep thinking “this is just the beginning!!” Imagine how I will feel in 3 months? This truly is the icing on top of all of my other self care practices. Feeling extremely supported. xx
12/04/22- December! Wow. Healy traveled with me to Costa Rica last week and was really helpful in soothing me in the airport. In the past, I have had a lot of nausea on airplanes. During takeoff- my heart would literally pound and I would make sure I knew where the barf bag was just in case. I’m not sure what caused it- anxiety probably although I have never liked admitting that I would have anxiety. I like to think that everyone’s perfumes and detergents stuffed in a tube is what bothers me. This recent trip had me on a total of 7 airplanes (two tiny little planes) and 4 of them I was in the middle seat on full flights. I did not feel any of my usual symptoms. In fact, I looked around at all the beautiful people and was thankful to have them with me. There’s a new level of compassion and community brewing within me. Beyond flight- I genuinely have so much love for everyone. When drama happens outside of me, I gently smile and honor the path of others. I see the bigger picture and my place in it. I feel such an urge to tell EVERYONE about Healy yet at the same time I know that the best work I can do is to align myself fully. Become the rainbow body- radiant and vibrant in a clean luminous energy body. Truly being in alignment will organically align those who are ready for this healing with me as their mentor to me.
The business side of Healy has shown me such vast generosity. I joined the affiliate biz side at the perfect time with amazing black friday sales propelling me into becoming a team builder and actively mentoring several beautiful people to better understand their devices and the biz side. We are so cared for in this team. There are so many nurturing mamas in the community that share, inspire, and support us on demand. The weekly zoom calls with this larger community have my heart singing. This is the new paradigm of business. Working alongside raising children and traveling. Being truly authentic on the path. Being vulnerable. Sisterhood. Essentially the business side of Healy is being welcomed home in the giant circle of beings who are actively aligning themselves to their highest frequency- walking the walk. Wow. I feel truly blessed to have had the courage to say yes and go ALL IN right at the start. The quantum field allows for accelerated healing in so many ways. Including how to run a business within a supporting and GENEROUS company.
12/16/22- Healy provides frequency to our personal energy field. This is equivalent to an energy healing session like massage, sound bath, reiki, etc. and should be treated as such. After energy healing clients are encouraged to drink plenty of water, rest as needed, and allow the body to process and integrate the energetic shifts. The frequency programs sent to the body via the Healy are no different. I found myself at a threshold this past week. It was time to integrate what had been shifted and ground into myself as I settled into my newest version. Since frequency uses water to travel through the body, it is very important to drink a LOT more water. Last week my urethra began to sting when I went pee. I knew it was because of water intake. I paused the frequency work to tend to the symptom. I made a big pot of costa rican hibiscus tea and drank that and water until I was back to feeling good. I am taking some time to integrate and run an occasional Gold program (very gentle). It can be easy to go overboard with this device. And if there is a lot to detox out of the body, there will be physical detox symptoms. So- as always- I listen in to the whispers of wisdom held in the body and I move forward from there. My body is whispering- rest, integrate, ground, soften, tend.
12/30/22- How does time fly by so fast? Journaling/ documenting this Healy journey is a nice practice for me. Healy! I love this little gift of tech at my fingertips every day. Today I am at my parents house with my kids for a holiday break visit. My father has recently had some surgery on his hand and I offered to run a program for him. We scanned him using the Heal Advisor analyse app. He resonated with “local scar system” in the “skin” frequencies. We placed the electrode patches on either side of his incision and ran the program. Then my mama was having a back spasm- a pretty regular occurrence for her. I placed the electrodes on her back and ran the “pain local” program in “pain”. I also rubbed her back and she did some stretching beforehand. Both of my parents were really open to receiving the frequencies and it felt really wonderful to be able to offer them some support.
I am learning more and more about the ways Healy works ALL the time. Through research and using the device on myself and others, I am loving it so much.
Last night I played with the Heal Advisor app (the blue app) and vibrated the resonance of gem elixirs, my chakras desired state, and desired states for a personal goal through the coaching module. These are separate from the frequency programs and available with the resonance plus and the professional tier Healy.
Tonight I have the micro currents running to the wristbands for a digital nutrition program “age” Do you ever feel like you look and feel dryer in the winter? I definitely do. I see my wrinkles more and feel less limber. I guess I am part lizard since I thrive in the jungle and warmth. So allowing some support with “age” feels right for me.
1/6/2023- We have arrived in 2023- a sacred and spiritual year full of big bold shifts for the collective. I am so thankful to have the support of frequency medicine for these times.
Today I learned how to offer distance frequency sessions using the resonance feature. This feature is only available in the Resonance, Resonance Plus, and Professional Healy devices. The coaching resonance feature is only in the top two Healy models. This feature allows me to send frequencies that are specific to another person, place, plant, or animal’s energy field. It also allows me to include specific statements, mantras, ailments, goals, that wish to be harmonized for the client. At the moment I am offering several free services to better understand my personal flavor of this offering.
As I was researching how to do the distance work, I gathered several testimonials about how others are using the feature and how it works! Then I received a full download from the quantum field about how I would approach it. It felt so natural and intuitive. Since the frequencies programmed into the Healy are all loving and safe, I trust that the people who align with these sessions with me are receiving harmonization of their energetic field. After I gift a few more sessions and also experiment with the process more on my own, I will offer these sessions in my shop. That way those who do not wish to own a Healy or are on the fence can still benefit from the medicine! xo A